More than 55,000 of our stoves have been distributed in Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar under the SAFI brand in partnership with Green Development and Safi International. Green Development have partnered with companies like Samsung, EcoEye and Renew Life to bring SAFI stoves to Kenya and Madagascar. Together with SAFI International, UNHCR Dadaab piloted stove and fuel distribution in the Dadaab refugee camp situated on the border between Somalia and Kenya. The stoves are approved for Green Development’s Carbon Credit program in Madagascar authorized by the World Bank.

Green Development is a private company that has registered a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) Program of Activity. Green Development has together with local implementing partners such as SAFI International, generated carbon credits from projects in Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi and Nigeria. Through discounted clean ethanol cookstoves, financed by carbon credits, they have changed the lives of tens of thousands of women and children in Madagascar and Kenya. Read more.

In partnership with Green Development, Samsung Electronics have delivered over 20 000 SAFI branded stoves in Kenya. Of the first project in Mombasa, Kenya´s second largest city Samsung wrote: "Samsung Electronics and Green Development will provide training for sourcing, production and sales of bioethanol stoves and fuels, contributing to revitalizing the community’s economic sustainability. This project aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of the community, and to reduce the impact of climate change for global societies."

The second project is in Kakuma Refugee camp, a UNHCR project housing 191 500 people. Quoting Burton Wagacha, Senior Public Health Officer and Technical Coordinator, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): “These cook stoves will help improve the quality of living for many refugees. We look forward to continue partnering with Samsung Electronics in more initiatives.”

"The project will help reduce carbon dioxide emission in the country by over 500,000 tonnes in the next five years," Principal Secretary for Environment and Forestry Charles Sunkuli said during the launch in Nairobi. Read more.

ECOEYE an unrivaled GHG emission Reduction Project Developer in Korea, partnered with Samsung Electronics and Green Development to bring thousands of high quality SAFI branded ethanol stoves to Mombasa, Kenya.

The first generation of stoves were designed and developed together with SAFI International in 2013. SAFI were active with projects in Tanzania, Kenya and Madagascar until 2017 when Une Amundsen, the founder and driving force behind SAFI tragically passed away during a trip to Madagascar.
Following Une´s passing Abry & Kavanagh Design overtook reponsibiltiy and the lead role in development and manufacturing of new stoves,  and have recently founded of Blue Flame Stoves as the sales and marketing company for high quality stoves. Read more.

Renew Life are working with Clean Cooking Madagascar as a distributor making ethanol stoves and fuel available to residents in Madagascar. Read more.

In partnership with SAFI International, UNHCR Dadaab piloted ethanol stove and fuel distribution in the Dadaab refugee camp situated on the border between Somalia and Kenya. The pilot culminated in a report lauding the SAFI ethanol stoves. Taken from the Post Implementation Progress Report on the SAFI clean energy cook stove and SAFI ethanol clean fuel pilot project in Dadaab refugee camp for SAFI International and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:

"The household who benefited from Cook Stoves highlighted the physical protection, economic and food security dividends they enjoyed as they were facing danger when going to fetch for firewood, or would be forced to buy through cartels operated by the host community after selling some food ration which leaves households food insecure.  Women in particular felt protected from physical assault such as rape and scorpions that are endemic in the arid regions where the camps are located. Special needs dependents households benefited from the quick and clean preparation of meals."

"Safi energy cooking stoves cooked faster than other alternatives by 1.5 hours per day. The efficiency was associated to the fact that the blue flame produces more energy in kilojoules per litre of fuel.This was significant in releasing time especially for the women to engage in other social and economic activities."

"The cook stoves and ethanol fuel are widely accepted and embraced by the beneficiary community. Caregivers who are now spending less time preparing meals freeing time to provide better care to the dependents are very happy with the clean energy pilot project."

"No single beneficiary has been harmed while using Safi cook stoves or the ethanol fuel. There have been no reported incidents of fire, ethanol poisoning, smoke poisoning or explosions associated with the pilot project. The Safi project has been highly accepted and embraced." Read more.